About Jawline Liposuction
At MIA Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX, we often meet with individuals who are concerned about the appearance of excess weight underneath their chin. This can often be referred to as a “double chin.” During an initial consultation with our skilled Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Phi Nguyen, assessments will be made to determine whether or not this issue is caused by excess skin or excess fat. If excess fat, jawline liposuction which is also called submental liposuction, may be the recommendation. If excess skin, you may require a neck lift instead. Liposuction has the ability to remove excess fat from underneath the chin, leaving you with a more appealing neck and facial profile.
Submental/Jawline Liposuction Reviews
Ideal Candidates
There are a wide range of individuals who would benefit from jawline liposuction. In most circumstances, patients between the ages of 20 – 50 years yield the most successful results as the procedure solely removes fat and does not tighten aging, loose skin. Ideal candidates are those who:
- Wish to improve the appearance of a “double chin” or fullness underneath the chin
- Have good skin elasticity
- Desire long-lasting results
- Wish to enhance or balance their jawline and natural facial features
Surgical Technique
During the jawline liposuction surgical procedure, Dr. Phi will make one or more small incisions just below the chin and remove the excess fat using a liposuction tool called a cannula. In most circumstances, jawline liposuction can be performed relatively quickly, utilizing local anesthesia. Dr. Phi will strategically place the tiny incisions beneath the chin or behind the ears to conceal them during the healing process. Often times, individuals will opt for a combined jawline liposuction and neck lift procedure. If that is the case, Dr. Phi will begin the neck lift immediately following liposuction.
What to Expect
Dr. Phi recommends that you wear a compression garment following surgery to control swelling and promote healing. It is not uncommon to notice mild discomfort and moderate bruising after a jawline liposuction procedure. If you have undergone a combined jawline liposuction and neck lift surgery, your discomfort may be a bit more severe and your healing may take a bit longer. Patients commonly report minimal discomfort and return to normal daily activities within a period of two weeks. At the time of your follow-up appointment at our MIA Plastic Surgery facility, you will likely notice almost immediate results.
Boost Your Confidence
Dr. Phi performs numerous jawline liposuction procedures each year and is pleased to find that patients receive a boost in their confidence when receiving a more appealing profile. Jawline liposuction enhances the overall appearance of the facial features by removing excess fat and leaving behind a smoother, thinner-appearing face. If your self-esteem is currently lacking and you feel that you would benefit from jawline liposuction, please give MIA Plastic Surgery a call today. We look forward to helping you feel more confident.