About Chin Augmentation
Chin enhancement surgery, or chin augmentation, is a highly sought after aesthetic treatment that improves the look of the jawline and chin for men and women who have a recessive chin, or one they believe is overbearing. Many times when a chin lacks shape and size, it can create an unpleasant and weak jawline. Chin augmentation can be performed to enhance the chin, but inserting a silicone implant to produce a stronger jawline and a more defined profile is most common. Houston, TX plastic surgeon Dr. Phi P. Nguyen performs many cosmetic improvements for chin enhancement. Aside from implants, which are created in various sizes and shapes, nonsurgical augmentations such as injectable fillers or Kybella® can be used to reshape the chin. For prominent chins, genioplasty may be considered. This reconstructive surgery removes bone to recontour the chin and jaw for a more balanced look.
Ideal Candidates
Chin enhancement (augmentation) is an aesthetic option for both women and men. If you are self-conscious because of the size of your chin and do not like the weak profile it creates, this cosmetic enhancement can redefine the lower section of your face and neck. It is also common for some of our patients to have rhinoplasty when they have their chin augmentation treatment. This blend of enhancements offers great opportunity for the prominent structures of the face to be balanced and in proportion.

Surgical Technique
During this procedure, general anesthesia is used, or in some cases, sedation by IV. An incision is carefully made just under the chin. Through this incision, a pocket is surgically made to secure the implant in its proper form, which includes removing and shaving some of the bone and cartilage to make grooves to secure the implant in position. The implant is placed through the incision and positioned over the bone, directly below the bottom lip. In some cases, the incision can also be made inside the crease in the lower lip where it meets the gumline. Regardless, both help to hide scars. Thin stitches are used to connect and close the incisions and the chin will be wrapped with medical garments.
Chin Implant Removal Surgery
For those desiring to have a previously placed chin implant removed, Dr. Phi is sufficiently experienced in this procedure. A surgical process much like the placement of a chin implant, this removal will be completed in a surgical facility under anesthesia. The length of the surgery and the type of method that will be employed depend solely on the type of implant used, and the amount of time it has been present. In some situations, surgical skin tightening beneath the jawline is necessary following implant removal to prevent this previously filled-out skin from sagging once the implant is no longer there.
What to Expect
Chin enhancement surgery creates immediate attractive outcomes, which is usually very delightful for our clients. Although rednes, swelling, and bruising will occur in the days after surgery, this only last a short while. For many, chin augmentation roughly takes 1 – 3 weeks to recover. Heavy movement should be avoided while in this recovery window. Whether you had chin surgery to produce a larger and more refined jawline or had a reduction procedure to decrease the size, you will love your results. Chin augmentation surgery has historically high success rates and by having it under the hands of an experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Phi, your outcome will look proportionate and refined.
Redefine Your Profile
Chin enhancement surgery has proven to be extremely beneficial to many of our patients. Chin augmentation creates harmony and balanced definition, delicately recontouring your facial structure and look. If there is a negative feeling associated with the look of your lower facial structure and you believe your chin is recessed or too prominent, chin augmentation can offer the look you desire. We welcome you to contact our patient coordinators and plan your consultation to learn more about your cosmetic surgery options.